

Retrieve a new JWT token

POST tokens

Retrieve a new JWT token, by passing your FlowWorks username and password in the body of the request. See the 'Authentication' section for details on how to use this token in all of your API requests.


Retrieve information about sites and channels. Retrieve collections of data points from channels. Create sites, channels, and data points.

GET sites?siteNameFilter={siteNameFilter}&siteTypeFilter={siteTypeFilter}

Gets a list of sites. With no filter, this will return all available sites. Optionally, the list can be filtered by the site name or site type. The site name filter can partially match multiple sites, or exactly match a single site. For example, "sitenamefilter=ANG" would match sites 'ANG001', 'ANG002', and 'Langford'. The site type filter will match all sites with the type provided. For example, "siteTypeFilter=Sewer" would match all sites whose type is sewer. Both filters can be used invidually or in combination.

GET sites/{id}

Gets the site with the specified site id.

POST sites

Creates a new site based on a site definition passed in the body of the request.

POST sites/{id}/channels

Creates one or more new channels in the identified site.

GET sites/{id}/channels

Get all of the channels from the identified site.

GET sites/{id}/channels/{channelId}

Gets a single channel from the identified site.

GET sites/{id}/channels/{channelId}/data?startDateFilter={startDateFilter}&endDateFilter={endDateFilter}&intervalTypeFilter={intervalTypeFilter}&intervalNumberFilter={intervalNumberFilter}

Get data points from the specified site and channel, which contains numeric or text data. Filter the set of data points by providing a date range. This date range can be specified by providing either: a start and end date OR an interval type and number.

GET sites/{id}/channels/{channelId}/photos?startDateFilter={startDateFilter}&endDateFilter={endDateFilter}&intervalTypeFilter={intervalTypeFilter}&intervalNumberFilter={intervalNumberFilter}

Get data points from the specified site and photo channel, where the values retured are URL's for each photo. Filter the set of data points by providing a date range. This date range can be specified by providing either: a start and end date OR an interval type and number.

GET sites/{id}/data?startDateFilter={startDateFilter}&endDateFilter={endDateFilter}&intervalTypeFilter={intervalTypeFilter}&intervalNumberFilter={intervalNumberFilter}

Get data points from the specified site in every numeric or text channel on the site. Filter the set of data points by providing a date range. This date range can be specified by providing either: a start and end date OR an interval type and number.

POST sites/{id}/data

Create new data points in the specifed site by passing a collection of channels and data points.

POST sites/{id}/channels/{channelId}/data

Create new data points in the specified site and the specified channel, by passing a collection of data points.

POST sites/{siteId}/channels/{channelId}/photo?dataTime={dataTime}

Create a single new photo data point in the specified site and photo channel. The request "Content-Type" should be set to "multipart/form-data" with the file data in the body of the request.


Retrieve channel information across multiple sites.

GET channels/{channelNameFilter}

Gets a list of matching channels across all sites. Channels will be included if they match part or all of the case-insensitive filter. For example, the filter "vel" will match channels like: "Velocity", "Final Level", "Surface VEL", etc.


Retrieve information about units of measurements used in FlowWorks.

GET units

Gets a list of all valid units of measurement in FlowWorks.


Retrieve information about site types used in FlowWorks.

GET sitetypes

Gets a list of all valid site types in FlowWorks.


Retrieve information about files attached to sites visible in FlowWorks mapping. Create and retrieve the attached files.

GET sitefiles/{siteId}

Gets the site's attached files list.

GET sitefiles/{siteId}/file/{fileId}

Returns a specific file attached to a site, or an error message

POST sitefiles/{siteName}

Attach files to a site using the site's display name. The request "Content-Type" should be set to "multipart/form-data" with the file data in the body of the request. Overall size of the request cannot exceed 25MB.